Operation Sustainability

One of the most pressing and frequently asked questions in the process industry is: how can we increase operation sustainability while improving production output?

With climate change a pressing issue, more businesses have started looking for ways to reduce their emissions and shift their processes in a more sustainable direction. Sustainable industrial processes are important because they benefit both the environment and the organization.

Emissions like CO2 are the main contributors to climate change, encompassing rising average temperatures, extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and various other impacts.

Companies worldwide increasingly commit to sustainability, initiating pledges to adopt practices that lower their carbon footprint and minimize their environmental impact. While there are still challenges to overcome, companies have made great strides.

Sustainability becomes crucial given the growing importance of regulations on emissions, chemical usage, and the imperative for overall sustainable practices in the process industry. Fortunately, our ZPD (Zero Process Downtime) solution can improve different processes and production output and simultaneously improve operation sustainability.

How Altum’s Solution Works to Improve Sustainability


Our solution utilizes ultrasound to prevent and eliminate fouling, reducing the necessity for cleaning and maintenance while enhancing the efficiency of processes and machinery.

By minimizing the wear and tear on equipment due to fouling, our approach ensures processes operate at maximum capacity while resources are used sparingly.

The three biggest environmental impacts to be reached with our solution are:

  • Lowered CO2 emissions
  • Lower energy usage
  • Reduced chemical usage
  • Reduced water consumption

Employing ultrasound technology to maintain optimal process flow can reduce reliance on additional energy required to sustain operations. This enhancement in energy efficiency leads to reduced energy usage, resulting in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, a major way to battle climate change.

Altum’s ultrasound technology also reduces chemical usage, effectively eliminating and preventing fouling without chemicals. Additionally, our ultrasound method can alter molecular bonds in liquids, improving operations such as tall oil separation and reducing the reliance on chemicals usually required for this process.

Our solution also reduces water consumption. It ensures equipment stays clean, reducing or eliminating the need for water-heavy cleaning techniques such as high-pressure washing or flushing. Furthermore, this ultrasound approach enhances dewatering processes, leading to a increased dry material content. This increase allows for more water to be subsequently reused and recycled. Reducing water consumption is crucial because water shortages are becoming increasingly frequent and urgent around the globe.

A Case Study Proves Significant Improvement in the Sustainability of Processes


A case study shows the positive environmental impact our customer Ductor reached using our unique ZPD solution.

By preventing struvite fouling in biogas manufacturing, our solution has reduced process downtime due to cleaning from 2 hours per day to 2 hours per month. A substantial decrease in CO2 emissions, citric acid, and water use has been achieved by lowering the need for cleaning.

Let’s look at the numbers more closely. With Altum’s solution:

  • 155 tons of co2 saved per year
  • 6500 kg of chemicals reduced per year
  • Over 12 000 liters of water saved per year

Altum’s solution is a game-changer that improves your processes toward a more sustainable direction. Let’s find the optimal solutions for your processes together!

Are you interested in knowing how Altum can help you make your processes more sustainable? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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