Project Manager Mikko

In our ‘Introducing Altum’ -series, we’re introducing you to the people behind the scenes taking care of our different operations. This time we’ll get to know more about our Project Manager, Mikko K. We’ll learn about the daily tasks as well as joys and challenges of a Project Manager, and get a glimpse into life on the road. Read on to find out more!

What is your title?

Project Manager

How long have you worked at Altum?

I’ve worked here for 5 years.

What is your educational background? 

I have a background in business studies, but later changed to physics at University of Helsinki. I’m currently in the process of finishing my Master’s studies.  

What made you want to work at Altum?

I was working in a laboratory at the University of Helsinki where the ultrasound technology for Altum Technologies was originally developed. While looking for a summer job, someone in the lab suggested I contact Timo Rauhala (Altum’s current CTO), and I secured a summer position at Altum. After the summer, I was offered the opportunity to stay, and I’ve been here ever since.

What tasks does your role entail?

My role entails project management in the form of customer meetings, coordinating with people from production as well as R&D, customer visits, installations, assisting production and quality analysis: I’m involved in pretty much everything except for sales and R&D. After the sales team forwards a project to me, I handle everything from packing our equipment to installing it at the customer site. I also take part in our a rotating monitoring shift. This involvement gives me a very comprehensive understanding of our technology, customers, and operations.

What are your favorite things about your job?

I really enjoy working with our customers and doing customer visits and installations: it is very meaningful work and I get to see places I wouldn’t normally get to. By visiting different customer sites I get to see different processes and different types of facilities, and also visit new countries. I also enjoy assisting with our production, as doing more manual work provides a nice change from working at a desk on my laptop.

What are the most challenging things in your job?

Although I really enjoy them, customer visits and installations can be challenging, as unexpected situations sometimes arise. These require creative solutions and fast reactions.

Is there something you have recently learned on the job?

I have learned more about the production process of our devices. Overall, I constantly learn something new about our solution and from our more senior physicists.

Describe the Altum work community with 2 words?

Close-knit and relaxed.

Would you like to share something funny or interesting that’s happened to you during a workday or while on a business trip?

One memorable experience was during a strike when most shops and restaurants were closed. A colleague and I were staying at a hotel for a customer visit, and we had to get creative with preparing a meal. We ended up filming a video tutorial for all our fellow Altumers on how to make a delicious noodle meal in a hotel room.


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