To combat climate change, we must improve efficiency and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. At Altum, we are committed to helping companies achieve sustainable operations by helping our clients tackle industrial fouling issues and improve their sustainability. An important aspect of combating climate change is taking care of nature, especially forests all around the world.

The Importance of Forest Conservation


Forests not only provide opportunities for leisure activities and a connection to nature but also offer critical ecological benefits. They protect soil, purify the air, and help combat climate change by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. However, the global reality is stark: according to the UN an area of forest the size of Iceland is lost annually. This deforestation threatens biodiversity, with 8% of forest plant species endangered and 5% of forest animal species facing extinction.

Forests have been the backbone of building the prosperity of Nordic nations, such as Finland and Sweden, and these countries have a strong pulp and paper industry. Thus, by the late 19th century, forest coverage had drastically declined in these regions. Fortunately, through extensive reforestation efforts, the vast Nordic forests were revitalized. This is not a given, and conserving forests in countries that rely on a industry that requires wood for production is extremely important.

Finland, Altum’s homeland, is known for its forests and forest-based technologies, services, and products in pulp and paper, cardboard, and new biobased products. New solutions, products, and technologies are developed in Finland to reduce environmental footprint, support sustainable development, and improve the efficiency of the industries. Altum’s solution eliminates the need for toxic chemical cleaning and focuses on fouling prevention, enabling our clients to maintain efficient, sustainable production.

Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Industrial Fouling


Industrial fouling is a major cause of increased CO2 emissions. It occurs when equipment like pipes and heat exchangers become clogged, which necessitates more energy to maintain production. The use of fuels causes emissions that are harmful to people and the environment. These include small particles and heavy metals as well as sulfur, nitrogen and carbon oxides. Small particles and heavy metals directly affect people’s health and comfort. Sulfur and nitrogen combined with water vapor in the air form acids, which acidify and eutrophicate water bodies and damage forests.

Protecting forests is essential for preserving biodiversity and fighting climate change. We here at Altum Technologies recognize these challenges and are dedicated to environmental protection through innovative solutions. Our patented software-guided ultrasound ZPD (Zero Process Downtime) technology for industrial equipment is designed to enhance sustainability by:

  • Reducing harmful chemical emissions in cleaning processes.
  • Decreasing the fossil content ending up in incineration.
  • Lowering CO2 emissions by optimizing energy use.

We here at Altum want to be part of the global change towards sustainable production in all industries, and the pulp and paper industry is a great example. By increasing the efficiency of the industry, we can help lower emissions but also make sure that no more forests are cut down than necessary. Read our references in the pulp and paper industry here.

Contact us if you want to know how Altum’s technology can improve operations and sustainability in your industry.

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