The leading professional in ultrasound fouling prevention
For several years, Matias Tainela (CEO) and Bo Malmberg (CCO) had a business venture focused on importing various sonic and ultrasonic cleantech solutions to help customers clean fouling and scaling from industrial equipment. “Do you have a product that can clean our fouled equipment with ultrasound – without us needing to stop production?“ was the question that Bo and Matias got all the time from their customers.
The business partners searched the global market for a powerful ultrasound solution that would work, but it just didn’t exist. Most of the options they identified lacked the ability to precisely control the power levels to clean the equipment thoroughly, which therefore meant they were not able to deliver effective cleaning results.
After researching how a powerful ultrasonic cleaning solution might be created, Professor Edward Haeggström at the University of Helsinki was recommended as the best person to help develop such a cleaning system. Edward has vast knowledge in the field of ultrasound technology and, already at that time, had a world-class team including Petro Moilanen (CScO) and Timo Rauhala (CTO) that was able to create a high-power, precisely-controlled ultrasonic solution. As a result, the technology was successfully developed and Altum Technologies was established in May 2016. Nowadays, Altum provides fouling prevention and removal services, in addition to enhancing separation, across the process industry.

Fouling is a major but often overlooked contributor to climate change: fouling in heat exchangers alone is responsible for a massive 2.5% of global CO2 emissions, comparable to emissions from 200 million cars.
Industrial operations account for around 30% of global CO2 emissions, with fouling in production processes being a key factor. Fouling causes inefficiencies, and leads to unnecessary production downtime. When buildup gathers on equipment surfaces and disturbs flow and heat transfer, more energy is needed to run the process, resulting in higher CO2 emissions. Toxic chemicals are often use to prevent or remove fouling, and as part of separation processes, which is also harmful to the environment. Fouling has traditionally been seen as an unavoidable nuisance in processes – until now.
Altum’s mission is to help industries prevent and remove fouling and enhance separation while lowering the need for chemicals, reducing CO2 emissions and increasing productivity by avoiding process interruptions: this is what ZPD, Zero Process Downtime, stands for. Our vision is to lead the way in helping companies lower their environmental impact while enhancing production and profitability, contributing to global efforts against climate change.